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Introducing the charities and good cause groups shortlisted in the North, East and West of Scotland to share £75,000 Community Connect funding.

North Region

Allotment Market Stall
This community project collects and sells high quality excess produce from allotment sites across Aberdeen city. It aims to reduce waste, reduce food miles and create a stronger, connected community through volunteering. Scotmid’s support will enable them to cultivate their own growing plot and to run stalls introducing a wider audience to nutritious, fresh and locally grown produce.

Highlands and Islands Blood Bikes
HAIBB is a volunteer run medical transport charity that provides a free service to NHS Highland – transporting blood and medical products to where they are urgently needed. Scotmid’s support with contribute towards the cost of an additional vehicle to help support the blood bikes during periods of adverse weather, when snow and ice prevents the motorcyclists from undertaking their normal duties.

Highland riding for the disabled
The Highland Group provides regular riding therapy to over 200 riders with a range of physical and learning disabilities from across Highland Region. Highly qualified instructors and experienced volunteers support riders in lessons, treks and horse care sessions. Scotmid’s support with help towards the cost of stabling horses and ponies at an independent RDA centre.

East Region

Edinburgh School Uniform Bank
Edinburgh School Bank provides new school uniforms to vulnerable families in Edinburgh as well as redistributing nearly-new uniforms to schools and organisations in the area. Having a uniform helps to decrease any social isolation, potential bullying or poor mental health issues for a young person living in deprivation. Fitting in and being the same as their peers aids their attendance in school which has a positive e ect on their lives and their future prospects. Support from Scotmid will be used to reach more young people who need a school uniform, a winter coat or suitable footwear.

Therapet Canine Concern Scotland
Canine Concern provides therapy dogs in Edinburgh for patients in hospital after a stroke or suffering traumatic brain injuries. Fondly known as Therapets the specially chosen dogs assist people who are learning to walk or talk again and they increase motivation to practice re-gaining their fi ne & gross motor skills as the patients automatically want to stroke the dog. Scotmid’s support would be used to continue supporting patients rehabilitation, improve their mental health and expand the services to additional NHS specialists.

Scottish Huntington’s Association
For over 30 years the Scottish Huntington Association have supported families in The Lothians & Fife impacted by Huntington’s Disease (HD); an incurable genetic condition where sufferers eventually lose the ability to walk, talk, eat, drink or care for themselves. Every child
with a parent who has HD has a 50% chance of inheriting the condition and Scotmid’s support will be used to provide 1-1 advice, peer group work sessions, youth mental health services and a range activities including a residential summer camp where young people can gain respite from their emotional burden and caring responsibilities.

West Region

The Miracle Foundation
The Miracle Foundation is based in Motherwell and helps children and young people who have experienced a bereavement or trauma by offering play therapy, talking therapy, art therapy counselling and support sessions. The Community Connect funding will help fund a Peer Support Worker and to update their website with practical help and advice so it can work as a library of resources for children, young people, schools and parents.

West Scotland Deaf Children’s Society
The West of Scotland Deaf Children’s Society provides social and emotional support to deaf children, young people and their families. Deaf children are at a substantial disadvantage in accessing mainstream clubs, services and activities. Support from Scotmid will be used to provide a range of face to face and virtual social clubs and fun activities which are fully inclusive & meet all their individual & communication needs.

Counselling & Benefits in Action
CABIA (Counselling and Benefits in Action) is based in Airdrie and provides help, support and guidance to individuals and families who may be isolated or experiencing financial hardship. Run by a team of dedicated volunteers, support from Scotmid will be used to cover their running costs and to improve the indoor space for clients.

Lakes & Dales

Introducing the charities and good cause groups shortlisted  in the Lakes & Dales to share £9,000 Community Connect funding.

Happy Hooves Riding for the Disabled Group
Based in Penrith, the group delivers equine therapy courses to people of all ages and a wide range of abilities. Tailored to the needs of the individual, participants learn to ride and care for the horses and ponies with the aim of helping them to overcome barriers and to open up opportunities to help them achieve and grow in confidence. Support from Scotmid would help the group recruit, train & support volunteers to reach more people as the demand for the service continues to rise.

Butterwick Hospice Care
The Hospice provides inpatient care, home care, family support services, counselling, day care, physiotherapy, complementary therapies and respite to those with life limiting illnesses and their families and carers. Support from Scotmid would help the Hospice to increase its specialist palliative home care team, ensuring that more people receive high quality end of life care in their own homes day or night.

Northern Ice Wheelchair Curling Club
Based in the Seaton Delaval area but with members from across the North of England, players with a range of disabilities regularly get together to play, keep fit and to enjoy each others company. Support from Scotmid will help fund a 3 day “come and try wheelchair curling event” to encourage others to try new experiences, meet new people and hopefully to take up the sport on a regular basis.

Funding for the North, East and West of Scotland, and the Lakes & Dales will be awarded by members at our OGM in September 2021.